Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Making of a Brat( My Dearest children)

Spare the rod, and spoil the child!"
Putting aside this time-tested saying contributes to the making of a brat! Encouraging the wrong doing of a child,tolerating such acts, or even keeping silent, will surely send the wrong message.Making the child feel he/she is a "cut above the rest" because his/her parents are influential or well-off are some ingredients in the creation of little "bratty" monsters"!
And someday, these little ones will grow up and become monstrous brats!
Let us raise our children with time -tested discipline.Couple this with value formation and constant guidance.Maintain healthy communication.Let us shower them with love and affection,hugs,and kisses.Nohing can replace actual time spent with them.
All these cost nothing! But their effects last a lifetime, and even till the next generation!